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CivicCLP: Introduction

This guide provides resources to learn more about civic and community engagement through the Library's programs, services and materials. CivicCLP's objective is to connect the community with resources and information that can lead to actionable steps.

Light purple box with three overlapping text bubbles with CivicCLP boldly written

CivicCLP is where our community can learn about the importance of civic engagement and the First Amendment through Library programs, services and resources.

The goal of CivicCLP is for our region to feel more confident about finding reliable information from trusted sources. People in our communities will have the necessary tools to engage in civic issues, such as voting, intellectual freedom, privacy rights and more.

We want CivicCLP to be a reflection of the community we serve. If you are interested in collaborating with CivicCLP on a program, tabling event, shared resource and more, you can book an in-person or virtual appointment to meet with one of our Library staff and share more information.

Profile Photo
CLP Staff

Connect with CivicCLP

  • Join our monthly newsletter here (select ‘Civic Engagement’ from the email topics list).
  • Propose a program partnership (mention CivicCLP when completing the form)

CivicCLP Virtual Resources

Past Speaker Events & Programs

2021 CivicCLP Speaker Series 

2022 CivicCLP Speaker Series 

The 2021 & 2022 CivicCLP Speaker Series featured a diverse group of speakers who inspired, excited and challenged the community with fresh ideas and perspectives on the First Amendment, social and racial justice, news and information literacy, politics, deliberative dialogue across differences, social infrastructure, transparency of archives/records and more. Our goal is for these unique presentations to help deepen discussions and inspire actionable steps on a local level for issues with a global relevance.


The goal of CivicCLP is for our region to feel more confident about finding reliable information from trusted sources. People in our communities will have the necessary tools to engage in civic issues, such as voting, intellectual freedom, privacy rights and public data. The purpose of this guide is to assist in the location of reliable, trusted and non-partisan resources and services for our patrons.

Note: As a publicly-funded institution, Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh and its employees cannot express opinions, actively or passively advocate for a candidate or cause, or try to sway potential voters one way or the other. As a 501c3 nonprofit organization defined by the IRS, CLP and its employees are prohibited from engaging “in partisan activities, including but not limited to interventions in support or against any candidate for public office.” Our goal is to provide balanced, nonpartisan/unbiased information to our community through displays, programs, and virtual resources.