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Social Services: Aging

Use this guide to locate resources related to social services that provide the public with assistance when in need or in crisis.


Listed below are some organizations and programs that provide services and resources for senior citizens which are usually defined as adults 60+.   

Due to the uncertainty of funding, staffing, volunteer support, and other factors, CLP cannot guarantee the continual availability of any of the services listed below, although we will regularly update the information provided. This list is a guide to assist in finding resources for senior citizens and does not indicate endorsement of or partnership with any service or organization listed.

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Print Materials for Seniors

Aging Sourcebook

Provides basic consumer health information about the physiology of aging, healthy aging through physical activity, healthy eating, and anti-aging methods, aging-associated diseases along with information about geriatric healthcare, assisted living, home modification, and legal and financial assistance.

The Busy Family's Guide to Estate Planning

Protect your family in 10 simple steps!

The Caregivers Guide to Memory Care and Dementia Care Communities

A helpful guide through the difficulties of dementia care. Care partners to those living with dementia will find this book a helpful guide into an unfamiliar and challenging world, and professionals in the industry will come away with dementia knowledge they have not gotten anywhere else.

Estate Planning for Blended Families

Estate Planning for Blended Families is the first book that will help you provide for your current spouse as well as children from both your previous and current marriages. Attorney Richard Barnes is a practicing lawyer who helps couples just like you create estate plans that take care of the entirety of a blended family.

Get It Together

If you're like a lot of people, you keep important information--from the whereabouts of family heirlooms to online passwords to automatic bill-pay details--in your head or stashed in the odd desk drawer. Get It Together provides an easy, straightforward method to help you and others keep track of your important information, records, and more.

Nolo's Simple Will Book

Everyone needs a will sooner rather than later -- and Nolo's Simple Will Book is the all-in-one tool you need. This book lets you choose from seven different will forms, or builds you a custom will to suit special situations.

The Rowman and Littlefield Handbook on Aging and Work

This is a comprehensive resource for students, scholars, and practitioners seeking a broad overview of interrelated topics concerning the aging workforce or insightful discussions of specific issues and challenges facing people in the demographic.

Contact Us

If you represent a provider of social services that we have included in this guide and would like to offer additional information or corrections, please reach out via email to . Make sure to mention the “Social Services Library Guide” in the subject of your message. 

If you represent a provider of social services that we have not included, please reach out via email to . Make sure to mention the “Social Services Library Guide” in the subject of your message. We will consider the addition of your organization or service and may follow up with additional questions. 

If you find any information provided within is incorrect or out of date and would like to tell us, please reach out via email to . Make sure to mention the “Social Services Library Guide” in the subject of your message. 

Resources for Seniors

AgeWell Pittsburgh   

Agewell Pittsburgh is a free information and referral line for resources for older adults throughout Allegheny County. Agewell is a collaborative program of the JCC, Jewish Association on Aging and JFCS. It is the gateway to services provided through the collaborating agencies and in addition, can also provide information on a variety of programs and services for older adults throughout the region.  

Call Agewell at the JCC at 412-422-0400

Email Agewell at

Allegheny County DHS Area Agency on Aging  

The Area Agency on Aging administers an array of services for adults 60 + looking to maintain independence in the home and community, including in-home services, adult day programming, day care programs, aging waiver services, long term care, and nursing home transition services.  

The Agency on Aging runs the SeniorLine and Senior Line staff are highly skilled case managers who can answer questions on topics such as support for caregivers, in-home services, prescription drug assistance, and care management as well as help begin the process of receiving services. You can find further information about the Agency on Aging here and on the SeniorLine here.   

Birmingham Towers 
2100 Wharton Street 2nd Floor 

Pittsburgh, PA 15203  

The SeniorLine: 412-350-5460 or 1-800-344-4319 (TDD 412-350-2727)  

Allegheny County Housing Authority  

Through the Allegheny County Housing Authority Senior citizens can apply for H.U.D. housing (rent is % of income), public housing, senior buildings, and senior buildings operated by private landlords. You can find further information here.   

301 Chartiers Ave. 
McKees Rocks, PA 15136 

412-355-8940 (TTY 412-746-0040)  

Allegheny Link  

Allegheny Link provides a centralized intake system for all housing programs throughout the county. Place a call to speak with a service coordinator – there is often a hold time, so be sure to call when you have some time to wait.  You can request to be placed on the wait list for multiple housing programs for senior citizens through a phone call or email. You can also walk in to the location at 1 Smithfield Street and do an in-take. You can find further information here.  

1 Smithfield St. 2nd Floor 
Pittsburgh, PA 15222  

1-866-730-2368 (TTY 412-350-5205) or  

Elder Abuse  

For reporting the Abuse or Neglect of an Older Adult (60 years of age and older), everyone is encouraged to call 412-350-6905 (local) or 1-800-344-4319 (local), or 1-800-490-8505 (the statewide hotline), with concerns about the well-being of a person over the age of 60 years. Phone lines answer 24 hours a day, every day.  

Abuse reports can be made by, or on behalf of, an older adult who: lives in a private residence, spends part-time in adult day care, lives in a care facility (nursing home, personal care home, hospital, etc.), is homeless. An Agency on the Aging protective services caseworker will investigate reports of abuse, neglect (including self-neglect), abandonment or financial exploitation.   

Signs of older adult abuse include: Injuries - bruises or broken bones, Weight loss - may be due to stress or lack of food, Dementia - may be blamed on "old age" when the real cause is malnutrition or drug interactions or side effects; Isolation - seldom if ever leaves his/her residence or receives visitors, unusual behavior related to money - withdrawing large sums from a bank account without apparent reason, Unwarranted legal proceedings - signing over his or her home to a relative.   

You can find further information here

412-350 -5460 (M-F 8:30 – 4:30) 
1-800-490-8505 (statewide hotline answers 24/7) 

Greater Pittsburgh Community Food Bank – Senior Boxes  

The PA Senior Food Box Program is the only USDA nutrition program that provides monthly food assistance targeted at low‐income seniors. The program supplements seniors’ diets with a monthly package of nutritious USDA commodities. The Senior Food Box Program serves individuals aged 60 and over with incomes of less than 130 percent of the Federal Poverty Guideline—helping to prevent vulnerable seniors from having to choose between food and other basic needs. Included in the box you’ll find canned fruits and vegetables, peanut butter, beans, cereal, pasta, bottled juice, shelf-stable milk, canned meat, and 2 lbs. of American cheese. The boxes are distributed though neighborhood sites, so contact us to find the site closest to you. You can find further information here.

1 N Linden Street 
Duquesne, PA 15110  

412- 460-3663  

Housing Authority of the City of Pittsburgh (HACP)  

The HACP offers various housing programs and options including the Housing Choice Voucher Program (Section 8), public housing senior buildings, and senior buildings operated by private landlords. Contact HACP to find out if they are accepting new Section 8 Voucher applications. You can find further information here.   

100 Ross Street 4th Floor 
Pittsburgh, PA 15219  

412-456-5000 or 412-456-5030 (TTY 412-201-5384)  

412-456-5090 Housing Voucher Program (Section 8) 

Jewish Family and Community Services of Pittsburgh – Senior Services  

JFCS of Pittsburgh - Senior Services provides various services to older adults, including information and referral services, care management & coordination, home care, personal emergency response systems, counseling and support groups, programs for holocaust survivors, senior transportation programs, and socialization services. You can find further information here.   

5743 Bartlett Street 
Pittsburgh PA 15217  

412-422-0400 or  

Life Span  

Life Span which was previously known as Home/Life Span is a non-profit agency providing critical support services for residents of Allegheny County 60 and over. Programs and services include: Care Management, Family Caregiver Support, Home Delivered Meals and Senior Community Resource Centers.  The Administrative/Care Management Office is open Monday through Friday from 8:30 AM to 4:30 PM (unless it is a scheduled holiday). You can find further information here.   

314 E. 8th Street 
Homestead, PA 15120 


Living Independence for the Elderly (LIFE)  

LIFE Pittsburgh is a program that services seniors (55+) in the Pittsburgh area by providing them with all-inclusive medical care in their homes and through our adult day health centers. They provide home care, health care, and adult day care at no cost to qualified older adults. You can find further information here.   

875 Greentree Rd.

One Parkway Center Suite 200
Pittsburgh, PA 15220  

412-388-8050 (TTY 711)  

Lutheran Senior Life  

Lutheran Senior Life provides many senior care services, including residential living, personal care, long term options, assisted living, and skilled nursing care. You can find further information here.

Lutheran SeniorLife
Corporate Office
191 Scharberry Lane
Mars, PA 16046

1-877-862-6659 or 724-776-1100  

PA Medicare Education and Decision Insight – PA-MEDI  (Previously APPRISE) 

Effective July 1, 2021 APPRISE services remain the same but are under a new name, PA-MEDI. PA-MEDI is a free health insurance counseling program designed to help older Pennsylvanians with Medicare.  Counselors are specially trained staff and volunteers who can answer your questions about Medicare and provide you with information about Medicare, Medicare Supplemental Insurance, Medicaid, and Long-Term Care insurance. You can find further information here.  

1-800-783-7067  Monday - Friday 8:00 am - 5:00 pm

Pittsburgh Senior News  

Pittsburgh Senior News is a free monthly newspaper for today’s seniors in Allegheny County. For 27 years, it has been a respected news resource of information about local and national AARP activities, Social Security issues, senior centers, health, nutrition, finance, senior-related events, travel, entertainment and much more. You can find further information here.   

97 Beechmont Ave. 
Pittsburgh, PA 15229  

412- 760-5914  

Riverview (Oakmont) Community Action Organization  

Riverview (Oakmont) Community Action Organization (RCAC) works to serve the needs of seniors throughout Oakmont, Verona, and the neighboring communities through a variety of services which include hot meals at the Senior Center as well as home delivery services for a suggested donation of $1.25. You can find further information here.  

RCAC and Senior Center  
501 Second Street 

P.O. Box 437 

Oakmont, PA 15139  


Senior Law Center  

The Senior Law Center provides advice, information, representation, referrals, education, and advocacy on a wide range of issues affecting older adults. The helpline is available Monday through Thursday, 10am-12pm. You can find further information here.  

1-877-PA-SR-LAW (1-877-727-7529)   

Senior Community Centers of the City of Pittsburgh  

The Senior Community Centers are open from 8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m., Monday through Friday, except for major holidays.  Free lunch for seniors with pre-registration the previous day.  Suggested $.50 donation for lunch. You can find more information on the Senior Lunch Program here.  

You can find the list of Senior Community Center locations, contact information and activities here.   

Utility Assistance  

Local utility companies offer utility assistance programs such as: CAP (Customer Assistance Program), CARE (Customer Assistance Referral and Evaluation Service), and LIURP (Low Income Usage Reduction Program).  You can find further information here 

Dollar Energy Fund: 1-888-282-6816 or 412-431-2800  
DHS Low Income Home Energy Assistance (LIHEAP): 1-866-857-7095 or 412-562-0330