The resources listed below are some organizations and services that provide free or low-cost legal assistance to individuals and families in our region.
Due to the uncertainty of funding, staffing, volunteer support, and other factors, CLP cannot guarantee the continual availability of any of the services listed below, although we will regularly update the information provided. This list is a guide to assist in finding legal resources and does not indicate endorsement of or partnership with any service or organization listed.
If you represent a provider of social services that we have included in this guide and would like to offer additional information or corrections, please reach out via email to . Make sure to mention the “Social Services Library Guide” in the subject of your message.
If you represent a provider of social services that we have not included, please reach out via email to . Make sure to mention the “Social Services Library Guide” in the subject of your message. We will consider the addition of your organization or service and may follow up with additional questions.
If you find any information provided within is incorrect or out of date and would like to tell us, please reach out via email to . Make sure to mention the “Social Services Library Guide” in the subject of your message.
This database offers hundreds of Pennsylvania legal forms ranging from Adoption to Workers Compensation law, including divorce, real estate, landlord/tenant agreements, wills and other commonly used forms. You will need a library card from any library in Allegheny County to access this database from home. is a guide to legal information and free civil legal services for low-income persons and seniors in Pennsylvania. Here you can locate information on a variety of legal issues, as well as information on how to contact programs providing legal assistance in Pennsylvania. This includes basic eligibility and contact information for the programs proving free legal assistance in Pennsylvania.
Neighborhood Legal Services provides free civil legal services for low-income individuals in Allegheny, Beaver, Butler, and Lawrence Counties. Topics include family law, employment law, protection from abuse, public benefits, housing problems, elder law, and consumer & bankruptcy troubles.
Call between 9:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. or 1:00 p.m. to 2:30 p.m., Monday through Friday. When you call, an intake worker will speak with you about your problem and determine whether NLSA can provide the support you need. You will then talk with a legal advocate who will provide you with legal information and advice specific to your case.
You might be referred to an attorney at your local NLSA office. There is also an online intake form here.
Allegheny County Office:
928 Penn Avenue
Pittsburgh, PA 15222
Toll Free: 1-866-761-6572
Modest Means Program - Reduced Fee Lawyer Referral Service
The Modest Means Program is a project of the Allegheny County Bar Association and links low-income clients with an attorney who can provide services at a reduced fee.
Topics include divorce, custody, PFA hearings, wills, power of attorney, DUI, retail theft, simple possession, and bankruptcy.
You will be screened to ensure eligibility. All fees must be paid prior to the attorney completing any work. You can find further information here.
400 Koppers Building
436 Seventh Ave.
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15219
The Pittsburgh Pro Bono Center
The Pittsburgh Pro Bono Center is the nexus between the members of the Allegheny County Bar Association, and its 34 projects and member organizations, which provide direct legal services to low-income individuals. The Center's mission is to provide well-trained attorney volunteers to help meet the legal needs of the indigent in Allegheny County.
They cover many different areas of law such as child custody, child support, housing, immigration. You can find further information here.
400 Koppers Building
436 Seventh Avenue
Pittsburgh, PA 15219
Christian Legal Aid of Pittsburgh
Christian Legal Aid of Pittsburgh provides free legal clinics offering counsel, guidance, and prayer on civil cases to local individuals whose income is at or below 250% of the federal poverty guidelines.
No appointments necessary. Registration is on a first-come, first-serve basis. Bring proof of your income to qualify for assistance.
Mondays from 5:30pm-8:30pm
at Allegheny Center Alliance Church, located at 250 East Ohio Street, Pittsburgh PA 15212.
You can find further information here.
Email to schedule an intake.
Fair Housing Partnership of Greater Pittsburgh
Fair Housing Partnership of Greater Pittsburgh offers free advocacy and representation for a Fair Housing Complaint, including filing either an administrative or court case, negotiation or settlement.
If you feel you have been discriminated against in your rental, sales, mortgage or homeowner’s insurance process, as well as within your unit’s management, Fair Housing Partnership can fight for you up to and including litigation when needed.
They also offer advocacy for people with disabilities who need reasonable accommodation and/or modification to their housing because of disability.
2840 Liberty Ave Suite 205
Pittsburgh, PA 15222
Consumer Guide to Tenant and Landlord Rights
The Office of the Attorney General has prepared this Consumer Guide to Tenant and Landlord Rights. The Guide explains what you should know when applying to rent, living in a rented property and dealing with the end of a lease. The Guide also provides information about state and federal resources that can offer additional information or assistance.
Operation Safety Net HELP (Homeless Experience Legal Protection) Clinic
Operation Safety Net HELP Clinic provides pro-bono services for the street homeless population once per month.
Project HELP volunteers can help with:
General legal advocacy and support services
Filing for government benefits, including Social Security
Restoring lost identification, including birth certificates and Social Security cards
Assistance in minor criminal cases.
Clinics are offered on the 2nd Friday of the month, 9:00 am - 11:00 am by appointment. It is recommended that if a person has a case manager, the case manager should call to make the appointment and provide the participant’s name, birth date, Social Security number, and reason for the visit. You can find further information here.
249 S. 9th Street
Pittsburgh, PA 15203
Just Mediation Pittsburgh is a community-centered hub for resolving housing disputes between landlords and tenants. Established in 202 amidst the challenges of the Covid-19 pandemic, we offer an alternative approach to conflict resolution and provide an opportunity to resolve conflict outside of the traditional court system. Our skilled mediators create a neutral setting where landlords and tenants can find common ground and resolve their conflicts amicably. Learn more here.
PA Act 131 of 2020 makes it possible for Pennsylvanians experiencing homelessness to be issued a free initial photo ID or renewal and replace a birth certificate. Individuals interested in ID will be required to apply in person at a PennDOT Driver License Center and must meet identification and other requirements. Individuals interested in a birth certificate must fill out the designated for found here.
For more information on the process and requirements, click here.
Allegheny County Dept. of Human Services: Justice Related Services
Justice Related Services from the Allegheny County Department of Human Services provides coordination with courts, community services, and local providers to divert individuals with mental illness or co-occurring mental and substance use disorders from incarceration or avoid extended jail stays.
Services and programs include: Mental Health Court, Drug Court, DUI Court, Children’s Court Services, Independent Living Services, etc.
You can find further information here.
The PA Senior Law Helpline is a telephone service offering free legal information, advice, and referrals to senior citizens age 60 and over in Pennsylvania.
The Helpline offers assistance with many issues including but not limited to consumer problems, estate planning, health care, pensions, housing, family law, and financial exploitation. Interpretation services are available for 150 languages.
1-877-PA SR LAW or 1-877-727-7529
(Monday through Thursday, 10:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.)
Women’s Center & Shelter Legal Advocacy and Civil Law Project
The Women’s Center & Shelter Legal Advocacy and Civil Law Project provides court accompaniment, support, information, and advocacy for domestic violence related cases.
The Civil Law Project offers specialized expertise in domestic violence cases. You can find further information on this service and file for a PFA (Protection from Abuse) order here.
24-hour helpline: Call-- 412-687-8005, Text-- 412-744-8445
Toll free: 877-338-TALK (8255)
Women’s Law Project is a telephone counseling and referral service which provides callers with free information and guidance on many issues, primarily in the area of reproductive rights, pregnancy accommodations, sex and gender discrimination, sexual harassment, and LGBTQ rights. You can find further information here.
Pennsylvania Innocence Project
In addition to identifying and litigating cases for the convicted innocent, the Pennsylvania Innocence Project works to improve the criminal justice system to prevent innocent people from being convicted. The Project works to educate all stakeholders in the criminal justice system on the reasons for wrongful convictions, and to promote policies that will prevent such tragedies from occurring. The Project also works to promote legislation to loosen Pennsylvania’s draconian post-conviction laws to allow convicted individuals a fair chance of having evidence of their innocence presented in court – including updating our post-conviction DNA access laws.
After a client is exonerated, the work we do to support them does not end. Our social worker manages and provides reentry services to our clients after they leave prison.
PA Innocence Project
1515 Market St, Suite 300 Philadelphia, PA 19102
914 Fifth Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15219
(215) 204-4255
Email Address:
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An updated guide for parents and caregivers trying to navigate custody law.