The resources listed below are some organizations and services that provide free meals or food for individuals and families in our region.
Due to the uncertainty of funding, staffing, volunteer support, and other factors, CLP cannot guarantee the continual availability of any of the services listed below, although we will regularly update the information provided. This list is a guide to assist in finding emergency food resources and does not indicate endorsement of or partnership with any service or organization listed.
Here are a few websites that offer recipes and instructions for cooking from food pantry options or on a budget.
By showing that kitchen skill, and not budget, is the key to great food, Good and Cheap will help you eat well--really well--on the strictest of budgets.
It's not always easy to try out a new recipe, but sticking to what you know and love can get pretty boring. Hack Your Cupboard provides age-specific guidance to help you move on to more ambitious meals. This is the cookbook for anyone who wants to break out of a kitchen rut without breaking too much of a sweat.
Eat vegan--for less! With Plant-Based on a Budget, going vegan is not only an attainable goal, but the best choice for your health, the planet-- and your wallet.. Every recipe in this book can be ready in around 30 minutes or less.
A sensitive story about food insecurity.
Molly and her mom don't always have enough food, so one Saturday they visit their local food pantry. Molly's happy to get food to eat until she sees her classmate Caitlin, who's embarrassed to be at the food pantry. Can Molly help Caitlin realize that everyone needs help sometimes?
The Greater Pittsburgh Community Food Bank
The Greater Pittsburgh Community Food Bank provides a directory of local food pantries, searchable by zip code. To find a food pantry near you, go to , enter your zip code or neighborhood to generate a list of local food pantries.
The Greater Pittsburgh Community Food Bank Market is an onsite pantry where eligible neighbors can shop for grocery items at no cost.
Allegheny County Drive-Up and Walk-in Distribution Schedule
The Homewood Early Learning Hub & Family Center
Visit The Homewood Early Learning Hub & Family Center (Hub) every Monday from 12 – 5 p.m. to receive free food items, including sandwiches, fruit, baked goods, and more!
Participants may pick up a variety of perishable food items on a first come, first served basis, while supplies last. This food distribution is walk-in only. Food items are provided by 412 Food Rescue.
Walk-In Food Distribution at The Hub
Mondays, 12 - 5pm
7219 Kelly Street
Pittsburgh, PA. 15208
North Hills Community Outreach Food Distribution
The Food Distribution program seeks to make food available to as many people as possible. Full dates and times available on the NHCO Website
For more information or questions, contact Jon Jordan, Food Pantries Coordinator:
412.487.6316 ext. 3144
The United Way of Southwest PA
The United Way of Southwest PA aids in obtaining food in situations of urgent need. You can call their assistance line 24/7 or search for services at
Call 2-1-1 or 1‑888‑553‑5778 – available 24/7
Jubilee Soup Kitchen is open 365 days a year. The soup kitchen serves a hot, noon day meal 11:00 am – 12:00 pm every day. They also serve breakfast every day from 7:00 am to 9:00 am. Jubilee Food Pantry offers food to home-bound and elderly seniors twice a month. Walk-ins from zip code 15219 are welcome twice a month.
The Soup Kitchen also acts as a winter shelter when temperatures drop below 30 degrees. The shelter operates from 7:00 AM - 3:00 PM
Soup Kitchen
2005 Wyandotte St.
Pittsburgh, PA 15219
Food Pantry
3103 Brereton St.
Pittsburgh, PA 15219
Hot Metal Bridge Faith Community
Hot Metal Bridge Faith Community invites everyone to The Table – a free community meal hosted every Tuesday and Thursday from 5:30-6:30 pm. There are take-out or eat-in options and lots of opportunities to serve and cook. The meals are prepared by volunteer groups from all over the city. You can find further information here.
2700 Jane Street
Pittsburgh, PA 15203
Neighborhood Resilience Project
Neighborhood Resilience Project offers a Clothing and Food Pantry: Monday, Wednesday, and Fridays from 11:00 am – 3:00 pm as well as a daily free lunch at 12:00 pm. Click here to see the weekly schedule. Their services also include The Backpack Feeding Program, Community Dinners and the Clergy Brotherhood Bag Lunch Program. You can find further information here.
2038 Bedford Ave
Pittsburgh, PA 15219
St. Mary of Mercy Parish Red Door Program
Breakfast offered Monday through Saturday 9:00am – 10:30pm
Bagged lunches distributed Monday through Saturday, 10:30am to 11:30am and Sundays 1:00pm – 2:00pm
Dinner offered Monday through Friday, 4:30pm – 5:30pm
202 Stanwix St.
Pittsburgh PA 15222
Shepherd’s Heart Fellowship and Veteran’s Home
Shepherd’s Heart Fellowship and Veteran’s Home serves breakfast Monday through Friday 7:30 am to 10:00 am in their Drop-In Center on the 3rd Floor of their building, and dinner at the close of Sunday worship service which begins at 5:15 pm also on the 3rd floor. Clothing and toiletries are also available during the Drop-In Center times. Allegheny Links provides assistance with housing on Thursdays from 8:00am-10:00am.. You can find further information here.
13 Pride St.
Pittsburgh, PA 15219
Direct Distribution - MilitaryShare Allegheny
This is a drive-up distribution only. Second Monday of the month, 12:00pm-2:00pm.
For more information, visit the Veterans Leadership Program website.
2934 Smallman Street
Pittsburgh, PA 15201
Allegheny County WIC
WIC: Women, Infants and Children aims to safeguard the health of low-income women, infants, and children up to age 5 who are at nutrition risk by providing nutritious foods to supplement diets, information on healthy eating, and referrals to health care. They provide access to food and infant formula for pregnant women or women with children until one year for formula, and five years for food.
They also provide a breastfeeding helpline at 412-687-2243 M-F 8:30 am – 4:30 pm.
To expedite the application process WIC recommends applying online at WIC will then set up an appointment and mother will have to bring in documents listed in the application which include proof of income, proof of address, photo I.D. and more.
For the WIC application go here. You can find further information here. Find other Allegheny County or PA office contact information here.
332 Fifth Ave
Warner Center Fifth Floor
Pittsburgh, PA 15222
Cooking Matters
412 Food Rescue and UPMC Health partnered to create a series of video tutorials on some basic, low budget cooking options. Their basic budgeting discussions can be found in the videos on the left hand side of this page. Their full catalog of tutorials and recipes can be found here.
If you represent a provider of social services that we have included in this guide and would like to offer additional information or corrections, please reach out via email to . Make sure to mention the “Social Services Library Guide” in the subject of your message.
If you represent a provider of social services that we have not included, please reach out via email to . Make sure to mention the “Social Services Library Guide” in the subject of your message. We will consider the addition of your organization or service and may follow up with additional questions.
If you find any information provided within is incorrect or out of date and would like to tell us, please reach out via email to . Make sure to mention the “Social Services Library Guide” in the subject of your message.